hotel operations management

Integrating Hotel Technology and Improving Operations – Part 5

Be warned, there’s a new sheriff in town: Data integration. Without it and its like-minded cousin technology interoperability – the notion that computer systems can seamlessly connect and communicate with one another -- maximizing a hotel’s profitability in the modern era is near impossible, archaic and frustrating.   Before cloud-computing became a reality, interoperability was… Continue Reading Integrating Hotel Technology and Improving Operations – Part 5

Por |2019-02-11T19:35:33+00:00noviembre 2nd, 2018|Hospitality Industry Trends|

3 Ways to Enlighten Your Hotel Management Software

The benefits of property management systems are endless, especially in the hectic world of the hospitality industry. When you factor in that travelers visit up to 38 websites before even making a booking, you know that the benefits of modern hotel management software are essential. The future of the hotel industry depends on your… Continue Reading 3 Ways to Enlighten Your Hotel Management Software

Por |2019-04-11T16:33:46+00:00septiembre 10th, 2018|Hospitality Industry Trends|
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