Hotel Opertations

Integrating Hotel Technology and Improving Operations – Part 5

Be warned, there’s a new sheriff in town: Data integration. Without it and its like-minded cousin technology interoperability – the notion that computer systems can seamlessly connect and communicate with one another -- maximizing a hotel’s profitability in the modern era is near impossible, archaic and frustrating.   Before cloud-computing became a reality, interoperability was… Continue Reading Integrating Hotel Technology and Improving Operations – Part 5

Por |2019-02-11T19:35:33+00:00noviembre 2nd, 2018|Hospitality Industry Trends|

Technology’s Role in Hotel Operations Management (Part 2): Welcome to The Cloud

Welcome to The Cloud. It’s an entirely new way of thinking about PMS software for hotels since this technology sets the stage for reinventing every aspect of the hotel management experience.   OK, it’s not actually new, it just seems new. Cloud computing may be a relatively new entrant into the hospitality technology space, yet… Continue Reading Technology’s Role in Hotel Operations Management (Part 2): Welcome to The Cloud

Por |2019-02-11T19:35:44+00:00agosto 28th, 2018|Hospitality Industry Trends|

Technology’s Role in Hotel Operations Management (Part 1): History and Challenges

Call it the accidental boss. Born at the dawn of the computer age to digitize check-ins and calculate guest expenditures, the hotel property management system (PMS) started in earnest. In fact, it was hardly a PMS at all. These early systems were more akin to a series of not quite related Excel spreadsheets called into… Continue Reading Technology’s Role in Hotel Operations Management (Part 1): History and Challenges

Por |2019-02-11T19:35:50+00:00agosto 20th, 2018|Hospitality Industry Trends|
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