PMS Software

Help Improve Guest Security with Cloud-Based PMS Software

We all remember the massive credit card breaches at well-known national retailers over the last few years. These breaches were a public relations, financial, and legal nightmare, resulting in millions of dollars in lost sales and possible long-term brand damage. From a hospitality point of view, simply hoping that your hotel won’t be affected is… Continue Reading Help Improve Guest Security with Cloud-Based PMS Software

Por |2019-02-11T19:44:22+00:00junio 3rd, 2016|Hospitality Industry Trends|

Get Full, Stay Full: Optimizing the OTA-Hotel Software Combo

With tablet and smartphone use exploding in the past decade, tech smart consumers are no longer the exception, but have quickly become the rule in the hospitality market. In a similar fashion, Online Travel Agencies (OTAs), once dismissed by many hoteliers as merely a necessary annoyance, have matured to become the main and often customer-preferred… Continue Reading Get Full, Stay Full: Optimizing the OTA-Hotel Software Combo

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